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Journey to the world of blog

Every Journey is said to begin with One Step! Then Two, and More.

For some, that first step is nothing more that a little slide from the current position; the extreme opposite being a huge leap like a flight over a number of stairs.

One thing did happen: MOVE!

It all started from a history of was, back to when was was is. Is became was and for a while, the human folk such as myself took interest in that time period, wondering at some point in our lives if was ever remembered the time when was was is or at least just about the time was became was and so began a play of words and creative thinking not common to most people. In fact, if you find this read interesting, you must be a boring funny personality. Thankfully, I'm not... I find the writing interesting, not the read!

Fast-forward to the year 2019 and after series of writing experiments and putting smiles on some faces and the age of whatsapp statuses and the discovery of wix... The journey has begun. Starting a blog is not easy but once started... it's harder to keep up. One thing is needed: Positivity!

Like getting a pet, the first question to ask when deciding to keep a blog is: What is the purpose of this blog? Note it down and you have a reason to give up - or not.

With your purpose in mind, determine your tech skill-set and find out the best web option for you, you can take it easy and try wix like i did or or go hard on yourself and build your blog from scratch.

Finally, take steps to maintain your blog like you would your aquarium. There are so many substeps between these few steps, you have the special privilege of finding them out. In time... you just may write your own journey to the world of blog.

As the journey progresses, more things would come, come along with me on this ride and don't forget to smile!

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Samson Vote
Samson Vote
Mar 13, 2020

It's official! I'm boring... Thank heavens 😇

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