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The Gossip in Us

For the record, all humans are gossips.

Does that surprise you?

"She's getting married."

"He bought a car yesterday."

"They are back from their vacation. "

We so love to talk about people and that's normal.

What's not normal depends on what's been talked about: a person's private life,  or false information about another and worst of all, malicious gossip.

Did u hear? 'She completely changed her wardrobe just because she's getting married' - possibly true but of what use is that info to you or your listener.

Guess what 'He actually stole the car he claimed he bought ' - is this a confirmed fact or an assumption?

Hmm,  'they wasted money on a vacation when they should have helped their jobless nephew, such wickedness ' - definitely malicious

Don't be a bad gossip people.

Everyone has a reason for their actions and most importantly everyone has a right to their own decision. 

Only tell the right information to the right people and only if you have a legit source.

Engage in meaningful activities so you'd have less time for gossip

If someone is spreading gossip, stop him/her or leave the scene.

And if you are being gossiped about,  let your good conduct speak for you.

For more information on Gossip click here

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